You only have to change one thing: EVERYTHING

Read this, please. In fact there is no reading required, but you do have to click on it. The very learned, accomplished and insightful Jaron Lanier will lay out some concepts for you, and I will perform the usual meta-riff below which may or may not be directly related to the above piece that mother […]

What has reality TV done for us, LATELY?

If you watched this story unfold it was corny AF, of course, but most expressions of intimacy on the screen are. I remember cringing at sex scenes when I was young…not just because I was uncomfortable with sex, but also because my young brain knew that it was phony baloney. This relationship, and the way […]

Life as a Reality TV moment

One of my favorite Instagram tags is #subwaycreatures because it is full of point-and-shoot ridiculousness that speaks to diversity, civic engagement and humor. If there were an upside down world of subwaycreatures it would be the street-fight hashtags and the YouTube fight pages. Both are born of cultural schadenfreude and both are possible thanks to […]

How to make a Villain

If a reality show is going to have legs, it has to have a great cast. Having a good cast is a complex alchemy that is very much like a band. It’s not about skill, or experience or looks or likability, though that’s all a help. A good cast is about chemistry. In many instances […]

You’ll be your mirror

This article, by the intelligent and culturally engaged Amanda Hess, is a series of short essays about the way that fan culture has affected (infected?) election politics. The theme I am drawn to jump off from is the mirror between reality TV subject and the public. Namely, if any member of the public can easily […]