You only have to change one thing: EVERYTHING

Read this, please. In fact there is no reading required, but you do have to click on it. The very learned, accomplished and insightful Jaron Lanier will lay out some concepts for you, and I will perform the usual meta-riff below which may or may not be directly related to the above piece that mother […]

Seeing is believing (that you are what you see)

Trigger warning: I’ll be discussing female plastic surgery, POC, and sexism even though I am white, cis gendered and my pronouns are him/his. In this post I am exploring the ways that reality TV manipulates our consciousness…the vehicle is an article that focuses on plastic surgery and female body image. With social media we are […]

What has reality TV done for us, LATELY?

If you watched this story unfold it was corny AF, of course, but most expressions of intimacy on the screen are. I remember cringing at sex scenes when I was young…not just because I was uncomfortable with sex, but also because my young brain knew that it was phony baloney. This relationship, and the way […]